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Saturday 16 June 2012

My New Stamp !! Love it !! x

 I have ordered a new stamp for the back/packaging on my cards now that I have nearly used the last of my stickers, it measures 6x2.7 cm


It is being made by Nicky at Stamping all day and I just can't wait to play with it, she says it will be posted on Monday !! (I ordered AND received the proof straight back by e-mail on Friday) How's that for brilliant  service ?? !! ??

PS Ladies any offer's on how I can do something similar for a photo watermark and blog signature?? x

1 comment:

  1. hi nikki! i saw this post a while ago but didnt know the answer. well , i still dont know the answer but ive come up with a sort of solution i have started using. i am uploading my pics to an then adding text over the top. this is quite time consuming tho !!

    does anyone know how to create a name with a picture as well , then save it , then just add that each time rather than re doing it each time?


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